
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pregnancy and the need for friendship

It's no surprise that when pregnancy begins all hormones break loose and emotions start running hay wire. 
The time the baby is developing all its organs, it is also developing all of its complexes, fears, and personality. It has been scientifically proven that any stress the mother goes through during the pregnancy is directly felt by the baby. There is so many sad sad situations pregnant women go through during pregnancy. One thing that they do need is lots of compassion, touch, and LAUGHTER. 

So what better than friends to provide all of this love? If you know anyone who is expecting, be there for them. Massage there feet, paint there toe nails. give them a mini facial,  watch movies together. Just be there!

 If we want to create a more beautiful world, we have to take care of these super heroes we call expected mothers, they hold our future in there wombs! 

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