
Sunday, December 4, 2011

'TIs the Season for GIving!

Happy day everyone! Since posting my last video I have been getting some request to keep the videos coming! Well, your wish is my command!!

The reason I am sharing these videos is simple, 
we can all use a laugh,
 a lil motivation,
 and perhaps allow those watching to be a little more care free and silly! 

Have fun with who your as a person! Let's project happiness, creativity and laughter!

This holiday season how about getting a little more creative in gift giving!!!

We have the technology to make some pretty awesome and may I add cost friendly gifts! 

Keep up with my blog this holiday season to learn some very fun tips on how the entire family, young and old, can participate this holiday season! 

If we take MONEY out of the EQUATION we are left with our GIFTS. -Johaira Michelle


Friday, December 2, 2011

Dance your way to happiness!

People always ask me how I stay in shape year round. Hard work and dedication are the key to my fitness success, but nothing is more important than enjoying  my workouts! I enjoy doing things outside the box! 

So whats the happy life lesson today?

Have Fun ! There is nothing like listening to your favorite 'toons and just getting down!

And do not be afraid to feel silly, dress up and hey maybe even record the dance session! 
My favorite music that is native to my country Dominican Republic is Bachata! 
Press Play and you will see why!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Forgiveness is an 11 letter word

Forgiveness is a 3 ton weight lifted from your soul. You may not realize how much weight you been carrying around with you until it is finally lifted. 

From personal experience, its hard for me to forgive, especially when its something I find myself doing much too often.

But guess what? I have decided to continue to forgive as often as I need to. I choose to forgive because I choose to LOVE myself. 

The side effects of sleepless nights, wrinkles, stress, and weight gain are just a few of the downfalls of holding on to old grudges. 

Life is too short and I choose to live this life to the fullest. So today let's try something new. Repeat these words, and make a conscious effort to believe in what you are saying:

Today I choose to love myself
Today I choose to forgive myself. 
I Forgive myself for holding on to old grudges for so long.
Today i choose to forgive. Today I choose LOVE.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pimples be gone!

Are we still fighting pimples, blackheads and bumpies under the skin? How well are we washing that unique wonderfulness we call our faces??
Well let's take a look at what's brewing on our not so dewy skin.

Lets think about it, Are we wearing foundation, powders, blush? When was the last time we cleaned our brushes?
And then there is good ol' fashion pollution, dust and dirt. Our skin is constantly exposed to harsh condition!!
Let's not get me started on all the things are face come in contact with!
Cellphones, hands, cars doors....

We should thank our skin for being as kind as it had been given the circumstances we put it through. So enough dirty talk, let's get clean, that's why I highly recommend the double wash! 2 rinses with facial cleanser every day and night.

Say it, spread it, live it

Life is soo good! If u feel this way spread the word!
If ur struggling with this , all u have to do is say out loud and proud!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Sunday afternoon I found a magical place, unlike any other I have ever seen.
 A place where heaven was on earth. It was as if i stepped onto the Garden of Eden.
 Just tranquil, perfection. 

I am talking about the Meditation Gardens in Pacific Palisades, Ca

What a gorgeous concept. A perfect tranquil place to just be one with yourself. There is great power in allowing such a connection with oneself. Lets allow ourselves the possibility of evolving!

Yoga, Dancing, Music, walks in nature, sitting still in front of large bodies of water... the possibilities are endless. Find what works for you and allow yourself this time to be one with yourself.

Get to know YOU. Spend time with yourself, you might just fall in love with you... and thats the only way to be happy. Everything is else becomes an added bonus!

Its truly a jewel! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's about that time again when I need to clean out my closet and I can't help but reminisce on the brilliant way I got rid of my old gear about four months ago. No other than a barter party! 

Whats a barter party? 
You trade in your goods for other goods! I know...GENIUS!

Thats right round up all the things you have been holding on to and have not worn. You know the items i am talking about, Every time you go to your closet you skim right through them, some of these pieces you swear you are going to wear again. But why havn't they been worn?
Last barter party i got rid of over 30 pairs of shoes, shirts, purses, dresses, accessories. Literally over 3 huge bags of clothes. I was excited, nervous, and ready to barter. About six friends got together, some girls brought only 6-12 pieces others like myself needed a tow truck to park my belongings. 

I started to feel possessive of things I said I wanted to give away. So in a moment of sellers remorse I made a pact. "IF there is anything given away in this barter party and we just can stop thinking about it, the seller agrees to return it to it's rightful owner" This brought down a lot of stress at the party.  (  I never looked back, I knew they were going to be taking care of )

So what did I leave the barter party with??  FOUR AMAZING, FIERCE, TIMELESS PIECES! Not only are these clothing items beautiful, these are Pieces of clothing I hold so dear to my heart because I know at one time was special to my friends! When I visit my friends I try to wear these pieces and there eyes just light up. " You like it! oh it looks so great on you! Its been hanging in my closet for years. I'm so happy to see it being worn!"

So how to start a barter party?

All you need is at least one other person to do a barter party! I suggest hosting it at someones home. Be sure to have delicious assortment of  refreshments, healthy colorful foods, and  come with a big huge smile because your going shopping with out spending a  dime!!

Times are tuff right now, and we all want to look and feel our very best! Let's Declutter our homes and share wonderful memories with friends while at the same time remaining money and fashion savvy!